My boob job experience: Q&A



Hey guys!

Something that I’ve been asked so much about in the last few months is how I’ve maintained my boob size whilst losing weight and the answer is: They are fake! That’s how! 

I don’t see any harm in having plastic or cosmetic surgery but I do think it’s important to be honest about it if people ask if you are posting pictures of your body progress online. I’m more than happy to be open about my experience although I am not promoting it or telling anyone they should have it done. 🙂

I’ll cover some frequently asked questions about my boob job experience in this blog for those who are curious but may be too shy to ask or just want to know more about what’s involved before they go ahead with a consultation. 🙂 

Q: Why did you have it done?

A: I’ve always had big thighs, big hips and broad shoulders but my boobs just never grew so I wanted bigger boobs. I looked like I should have grown big boobs but something just didn’t quite happen in that area. They actually looked quite under developed for my age. 

I looked out of proportion and now they are bigger, my body shape is in proportion and I’m much more confident. I used to cry every time summer came when I had to buy a bikini because I felt so unconfident. 

Q: How much did it cost? 

A: £4300 for absolutely everything from consultation to surgery and my last follow up appointment.

Q: How did you afford it? 

A: I got given some inheritance money but I believe there is a finance option available now. 

Q: How long does it last? 

A: It varies, some people need or want them re-doing every few years and some people can go 25 years! My surgeon told me that if any cosmetic company tells you that you need them taking out and “redoing” every 10 years, they are just trying to make money out of you because many implants last longer than that quite happily. 

Q: How long have you had yours? 

A: 7 and half years currently, I had them done in August 2011. I recently had the implants checked and they were graded at a 1 or a 2. 1 being brand new and 2 being very new. Which is a really good thing! 

Q: How old were you when you had them done? 

A: I was 20, nearly 21. I wanted to wait and see if I developed my boobs more with age and I also used a hormonal contraception which I was told may help with slightly increasing breast size. (It did slightly but not enough for me and I was really moody on hormonal contraception) 

Q: Where did you have them done? 

A: The Mcindoe centre in east grinstead in the UK 

Q: What size were you before? 

A: 32B before and I’m now a 32E/EE 

Q: What size implants did you have? 

A: 450cc I believe. Definitely 400 something but the surgeon told me he tried 500cc when I was under anaesthetic and that looked too fake for the look that I wanted.

Q: How did you decide how big you wanted to go? 

A: My surgeon advised me based on my overall frame and shoulder to hip ratio. 

He also told me to go and buy “lad mags” like nuts and zoo magazines, look through the girls and make two piles. 

1 pile for “I love her boobs, that’s what I want” and another pile for “That’s exactly what I DON’T want”. This gave my surgeon a really good vision of what I wanted and it made it seem more imaginable for me too. 

During my last consultation we went through those piles and he was able to see that the exact look I wanted and what I didn’t want to look like. It sounds a bit mean but it was a really effective technique. 

Q: Did you go behind or in front of the muscle? 

A: I went behind as I was told this would  look more natural. 

Q: Did it hurt?

A: YES!!!!!! But when you go behind the muscle apparently it hurts a lot more than going in front of the muscle and I was 20 years old; the worst pain I’d ever had was period pain. I’ve since had appendicitis and a clear brace fitted and both were WAY worse. If you’ve been through child birth, you’d be absolutely fine. 

Q: Can you still breastfeed? 

A: Yes, unless they move your nipples which they didn’t with me. 

Q: Where is your scar and can you see it?

A: Right underneath my boobs and not unless you really look for it, it’s really faded to nothing now. 

Q: How long did it take to recover? 

A: To fully recover to where I felt completely normal again after the anaesthetic and I could lay on my front etc? I would say 2 months, but to go back to work and drive etc: It took me 1 week to drive and 2 weeks before I went back to work. 

Q: Can you still on your front? 

A: Yes I sleep on my front every single night and have done since I was told it was safe to do so again after the operation. 

Q: Are they soft? 

A: They obviously aren’t as soft or as “jiggly” as natural boobs, but I think they are really soft feeling for fake ones and they have a good movement. They aren’t “stuck on” and solid. 

Q: How long did it take till they looked good?

A: SUCH a good question! I loved them from day 1 as I HATED having smaller boobs but looking back now, I would say it took about 10-12 months before they really settled and looked really nice and natural.

Q: How long before you could exercise again? 

A: I wasn’t exercising at all the time, I didn’t get into fitness until 2016 and I had them done in 2011. 

Q: Can you lift heavy with upper body?

A: I believe you can to an extent but I personally don’t and I go extremely light on chest exercises because for me it feels strange. 

Q: How did your family react? 

A: Everyone was so understanding. They completely saw it from my point of view once I explained how out of proportion I felt and how badly my confidence was effected. 

Q: What do men generally think of boob jobs? 

A: Honest answer? It varies. If a man loves you, he will love you no matter if you have real or fake boobs. If you ask most men, they say they prefer natural ones but my boyfriend really likes mine. There is a bit of a stigma attached to it but that’s becoming less and less now. It doesn’t matter as long as you are happy. Plus I think most heterosexual men just love boobs in general! 

Q: My boyfriend really doesn’t want me to have mine done!! What should I do? 

A: Men are very visual creatures so try to find an example of what you want to look like or a really good before and after picture you can show him. Otherwise he will automatically think of a “botched” case he has seen on the internet and say “Please don’t do it”. If you show them a good example, they generally come round to the idea. But it’s your body, not his. Just remember that. 

Q: Are you happy with the result and is it worth it? 

A: Oh my god double yes, I’m so happy! I was then and I still am now. I personally much prefer having bigger boobs. 

Q: Did you ever experience breast implant illness (BII)? 

A: No thank god, it’s been 7 and half years and I feel really good. I do believe it can/ does happen though and that is so sad for those people 😦 

Q: Did you have anything bad happen in your recovery like side effects? 

A: No, just more tired because I couldn’t sleep on my front for ages and I always sleep on my front but apart from that I had a really straight forward easy recovery. 

Q: Did you lose any sensitivity in your nipples? 

A: Maybe slightly but not enough to be upset about.  

Q: Would you recommend it?

A: I wouldn’t ever promote plastic surgery but if you are unhappy with your breasts, why stay unhappy? In my opinion it’s such a huge physical part of being a woman and it’s not like your bum, where you can eat more, do some squats and hip thrusts and it will grow. Your boobs you can’t massively change without going under the knife and it changed my body confidence completely for the better. That’s just my opinion anyway.

Q: Any advice you would give to anyone about to go through this experience? 


-Make sure you and your surgeon have the same vision

-Make sure the clinic you go to is well established and legitimate. 

-Don’t worry about going under general aesthetic. It’s the best bit HAHA! 

-Don’t worry if you don’t like them at first. They will look really fake to start with but I promise they do settle and come into their own. 

-Be prepared to be bored during your recovery. Invest in a good box set and get some activities that you can do sitting down like reading or colouring. 

-If you are going above a DD cup, don’t get excited about bra shopping. It’s shit and really underwhelming. It’s a real struggle to find pretty sexy but petite bras above a DD. Victoria secret is your best bet. 

-Be prepared for “the drains”. It’s not fun. Just google it. Nobody told me about the drains and it was a bit traumatic. 

-Going for a massage even years later is a bit tricky as well. Ask for extra towels to lay on as massage tables are never as soft as your bed. 

-Say goodbye to hideous backless bras and those jelly stick on things! Never again! You can go bra-less all the time and still look so good. One HUGE perk that nobody tells you about. 🙂 

-Be prepared for other women to grab your top and open it up so they can look down it and poke your boobs. (Men don’t do this, don’t worry) 

Q: Can I send you pictures of my boobs to see what you think? 

A: No girl. Save them for bae or for your surgeon. 🙂 I’m very open but the only pair of boobs I need to see are my own. Not to be mean or anything. 🙂 

I hope this helps anyone who is considering this or about to go through it.


Lots of love 


e9091ded-9254-4b93-909d-67b6bcd46b0f1aa91048-42eb-40f6-9c12-f895b900e9b3(Instagram: @daniellapetersfit) 

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