How to get started…

Hey guys,

I’ve wanted to write this blog for a while as I get a lot of messages asking for help with how to start, how you know how many calories to eat and how to keep motivated etc. 

I know first hand how hard the beginning is and I also know if you can get through it you can achieve anything! 

There is so much confusing and conflicting information on the internet about weight loss so I thought I would share some of own personal tips that I think you may find useful if you’re just starting you’re out. 🙂 


  • Start off slowly and be realistic. Don’t subject yourself to a 5 night a week training routine and cut out anything you deem “unhealthy” or “bad”. It will be too much too soon. Cut out or cut down on a few things at a time and slowly build up your attendance at the gym. 


  • Plan your meals in advance. Plan them for the week or 3-4 days at a time if that’s more achievable for you (that’s how I do it), make a shopping list and stick to it.


  • BUT….Don’t go food shopping when you’re hungry. You’ll just buy rubbish.


  • Have an induction if you’re joining the gym. It’s so important and normally complimentary. Even if you still feel confused with what to do in the gym, at least you’ll know what each machine does and how you can work them.


  • Get on YouTube if you’re doing at home workouts. Grace fit uk, Vicky Justiz and Joe Wicks have great free YouTube workouts that don’t require gym equipment. (I would recommend investing in some resistance bands if you want to grow your glutes and some dumbbells if you want to advance. It will still be a lot cheaper than a gym membership)


  • Find out your own calorie requirement. This is VERY IMPORTANT!! It doesn’t mean you have to miserably track calories with an app for the rest of your life but at least you will know where you should be with eating rather than copying someone else’s calories. You can do this for free on iifym website on their TDEE calculator. Read the information and article, take it in and make sure it makes sense otherwise it’s just meaningless numbers and strange names.


  • Make up your own mind. Some people choose to track calories at the start of the journey and others don’t. I didn’t at the beginning and still saw results however I did start tracking a few months into losing weight and I was shocked at how much protein I was eating and it taught me a lot about food. I don’t think it’s necessary to track full time but I would do it for a few weeks just so you can be mindful and realise that healthy doesn’t always mean low in calories and you can fit treats into your diet.


  • Don’t deprive or starve yourself- I’ve done both and it doesn’t work long term. It’s much better to be realistic, have the odd treat and give your body the fuel it needs by eating proper meals if you’re going to start working out for the first time.


  • Don’t feel bad if you don’t feel motivated every single day. You might do at the beginning and that’s great but motivation comes and goes so don’t be hard on yourself.


  • Don’t underestimate the power of music. I personally couldn’t workout without a good playlist so make a playlist that motivates you.


  • Get some good cookbooks or get on YouTube if you’re struggling with what to eat. YouTube is free and has some amazing recipes that you can watch being made and cook books are nice to have to flick through for ideas.


  • Stay off the scales for a while. Judge your progress on your clothes and how you feel at first because it’s quite normal for the scales to not change for a while and you can become fixated on numbers. (I didn’t lose any weight for the first month).


  • Drink enough water. Sorry I ended this on such a boring tip but it’s so crucial. Often when we feel hungry we are actually thirsty as it comes from the same part of the brain that sends you a signal to say “I’m hungry”. Drinking enough water can also help your body to let go of excess water as it’s not in “drought” mode. Aim to drink at least 2 litres a day. 

I really hope this helps someone to get started with a bit more knowledge and tips other than “starve myself and kill myself in the gym every night for an hour.” Because who wants to live like that especially when you don’t need to do that to see results. 

I have other blogs on here about how to get motivated and weight loss tips that you might find useful. 🙂 

Thank you for all your support on my blog and my instagram. It means the world to me. 💗

Lots of love 




(Instagram: @daniellapetersfit ) 

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