About Me

I’m Daniella, I’m 27 and I’m a former hater of exercise and eating healthily.
Trust me when I say I’ve been that girl who says;
“I’ve tried everything, nothing ever seems to work.”
“I’d rather be fat and happy.”
“When I get in from work I’m too knackered to go to the gym.”
“I’ve got no will power to exercise or diet!”

I’ve said all those things so many times and I’ve meant it every time.

Before I lived on a diet of meal deals, takeaways, ready microwave meals and litre bottles of fizzy drink, I absolutely hated exercise with a passion and hadn’t exercised for 10 years.
I slowly became more and more unhappy with my body until I just accepted that I would never be a gym goer or someone who could eat healthy food.

I am not a nutritionist or a personal trainer. I am just a girl who one day could barely fit into her “fat day” jeans, cried in the middle of a busy shopping centre and decided enough was enough.

I feel really strongly that changing your lifestyle does not have to be; misery, starvation and slaving away for hours on the treadmill. Once I discovered that you could get body confident without doing those things, I felt so annoyed I hadn’t known this years before so I started writing this blog.
I am still a work in progress but I thought my blog could be somewhere that people could come to for a bit of motivation, food for thought, real talk and “Oh thank god it’s not just me!” moments.

I really hope you all enjoy my posts and if you ever have any suggestions or a post request please leave me a comment 🙂

Please feel free to follow me on Instagram as I post a lot more content on there as well as mini blogs. @daniellapetersfit


Lots of Love
